Support Culpeper by becoming a member
Anyone can sign up to become a member using the form on this page. Subscriptions are only £20 a year and for this modest sum you gain the ability to:
Visit out of hours by purchasing a key to the garden
Make use of our Tea Hut at any time by purchasing a key
Make use of the garden’s tools and equipment
Receive newsletters four times a year
Get involved in members’ events, such as visits to local gardens
Hire the Resource Centre at a reduced rate for private events
Attend our AGM and vote
Become a Trustee
Membership is a great way to support the garden (some members who can afford it often make an additional donation). We ask members to sign up for Gift Aid if they pay tax, as we get an additional 25% of their subscription or donation back from the government.
We rely on the overall support on our members and volunteers. Without their active involvement in running the garden and raising money, we could not continue as we are.
The normal annual subscription is £20, but a concessionary rate of £10 is available for those in receipt of Universal Credit.
How to Sign Up
Fill out and submit our membership form. You can do this online using the form below, or come along on to the Garden between 10am and 4pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Fridays (usually, check before by calling if its an effort for you). The garden workers can help you can sign up and there is also the opportunity to speak to other members and find out more.
Pay your subscription. After submitting your membership form, please make payment of your subscription (£20 per year, or £10 per year for concessions) by BACS using your name as a reference. Our bank details are: Culpeper Community Garden Association ● The CAF Bank ● Sort Code: 40-52-40 ● Account number: 00033182
Purchase your garden keys. Once you are paid up, you can come by the garden office to purchase keys for the front gate and the members’ Tea Hut. You must pay a deposit of £6 per key, which will be refunded to you if you decide to return the key.